Shoot Better in Virginia!

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Shoot Better


It really is that simple. This class will show you how to shoot better. That means we will provide individual coaching based on your physiology, your equipment, and your expressed needs. We will ask you what your goals are, do a couple of drills to measure where you’re at, and then we will build instruction and exercises around helping you learn how to shoot better according to your expressed goals.


If you are accurate in slow fire, we’ll show you how to stay accurate as you speed up. If you are quick but not as accurate as you’d like to be, we’ll show you how to increase accuracy without sacrificing a lot of speed.


This is not a class where you will be run through a pre-made lesson plan from an institutional setting. This class will be customized to fit the goals of the clients who attend with a heavy emphasis on teaching you how to coach yourself and building a pathway for deliberate practice and improvement after the class. You will leave knowing what you need to work on and how exactly to work on it.


No fast roping out of helicopters. No ninja stuff. Just a tight focus on helping you Shoot Better.

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