Events for January 2025

Latest Past Events

Performance Shotgun Alabama

Hobbes Island Shooting Range 3682 Hobbs Island Rd SE, Huntsville

Performance Shotgun drives you to proficiency! Many are intimidated by the perceived recoil of the shotgun; in Performance Shotgun you will learn to tame the beast and gain confidence with your shotgun. We will start with a refresher of the basics, but students will be pushed to improve speed and accuracy with the shotgun and maximize the efficiency of manipulations. This is not a beginner level class. We will focus on executing the basics and explore what comes next. There is a $20 cash range fee due on day 1. Ammunition and Gear Requirements: 250 birdshot or buckshot 100 buck (25 [...]


Home Defense Pistol in Virginia

FPF Training 11113 James MONROE Hwy, Culpeper

This class will cover the often misunderstood and underappreciated context of home defense and how to get the most out of the handgun as a defensive tool within that context.   We will discuss ways to stack the deck in your favor, the difference between cover and concealment in your home, understanding your backstop, use of lights in the home as well as weapon mounted lights, and how to interact with the police in the aftermath of a critical incident to prevent being mistaken as the threat.


Shoot Better in Virginia!

FPF Training 11113 James MONROE Hwy, Culpeper

Shoot Better   It really is that simple. This class will show you how to shoot better. That means we will provide individual coaching based on your physiology, your equipment, and your expressed needs. We will ask you what your goals are, do a couple of drills to measure where you're at, and then we will build instruction and exercises around helping you learn how to shoot better according to your expressed goals.   If you are accurate in slow fire, we'll show you how to stay accurate as you speed up. If you are quick but not as accurate as [...]

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